Sunday, September 25, 2011

Remove delay in LAN games under Windows 7

I find it weird when last time playing Warcraft III LAN game with my housemate, we both feel a bit of delay on the client side (joining one). After doing some search on web, we found that by modifying a bit of registry, the strange delay was removed. This only happens under Windows 7.

  1. Open up Registry Editor, navigate to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\
  2. Look for a subkey name similar to this: {E3CF3EE3-AE61-4A50-8121-2A6CF502EF0F}
  3. Inside the subkey, there is a value DhcpIPAddress, check if it is the IP Address given by your router. If so, add 2 new DWORD (32-bit) keys with value as follows:
      TcpAskFrequency    1
      TCPNoDelay    1
  4. Restart your PC.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Set up Hotmail on iPhone

Here are the steps to setup Hotmail to sync and push to your iPhone (this works on the iPad too):
  1. Launch Settings
  2. Tap on “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”
  3. Tap onto “Add Account
  4. Select “Microsoft Exchange
  5. Enter your full Hotmail email address into both the Email and Username fields
  6. Leave Domain blank
  7. Enter your password
  8. Enter your prefer Description
  9. Tap onto “Next
  10. Now you must enter the server, use “” for the Server name then tap onto “Next
  11. The iPhone will now verify that your Hotmail information is entered correctly, the next screen you’ll be able to enable Mail, Contacts, and Calendars

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cydia error: running sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

In certain cases when you installing apps on Cydia you might get following error:
Error: running sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
This error message appears to be related to some file corruption in your Cydia.
To fix it, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to /var/lib/dpkg/ directory.
  2. Rename "available" to "available-bak".
  3. Rename "status" to "status-bak".
  4. Rename "available-old" to "available".
  5. Rename "status-old" to "status".
  6. Start Cydia and allow it to load everything it needs. Try to install or remove some apps to verify the error is fixed.

Remove Cydia apps update notification

Sometimes, you'll notice update notification of jailbreak apps in Cydia. If you doesn't want to update certain apps for any reason and would like to remove the notification, follow these steps:
  1. Using iFile, navigate to /private/var/lib/dpkg/
  2. Make a backup of file "status"
  3. Open the file "status" using iFile Text Viewer
  4. Find the package that Cydia is asking you to update.
  5. Change the version number to the new version number of to a higher number (hit the Edit button in the iFile Text Viewer).
  6. Save the changes and restart Cydia then you can see the notification is removed.
If you would like to receive update notification of certain apps again, just restore the version number changed in step 5.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Celeste on iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.3

This tutorial will guide you how to install and use Celeste on iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.3.
  1. Add source "" in Cydia.
  2. Search for "Celeste Bluetooth File Sharing" in sinfuliphone repo.
  3. Download and install all required dependencies as well as the application itself.
  4. Reboot your device. (You may need to reboot twice for the crack to activated).
  5. Download BTstack 0.3-434 and put into your iPhone (Download password: "").
  6. Install it using iFile.
  7. Reboot your device and done.
Personally tested working on iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.3

After performed above steps, you'll notice an update notification of BTstack in Cydia. DO NOT UPDATE IT. If you would like to remove the notification, simply follow steps here. Just search for "btstack" in step 4 and change "0.3-434" to "0.4-434" in step 5.

Updated 20 Sept 2011:
Someone mentioned above method works for his iPod 3rd Generation on iOS 4.2.1. If your iDevice succeeded in sending/receiving via bluetooth after above method, please leave a comment and state your iDevice/iOS version. Thanks :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New blogger app on Apple App Store

Google had launched a blogger app which allow bloggers to write blog entries to their connected blogger account right from their iDevices. Just browse through app store and search for "Blogger" to download it for free.